. June 2018 ~ Android Developers Blog

Saturday 23 June 2018

Android Live Data Tutorial | Live Data | Data Binding | Architecture Components

Hello Friends,
              Today I am going to share me small tutorial of LiveData with Data Binding.

-What is LiveData?
     LiveData is an observable data holder class that can be observed within
     a given lifecycle. It lets the components in your app, usually the UI,
     observe LiveData objects for changes.

-The advantages of using LiveData

  •      Ensures your UI matches your data state
  •      No memory leaks
  •      No crashes due to stopped activities
  •      No more manual lifecycle handling
  •      Always up to date data
  •      Proper configuration changes
  •      Sharing resources
-How to use it in our app

   a. Add below dependency in app/build.gradle

implementation "android.arch.lifecycle:extensions:1.1.1" 

   b. UserViewModel.java : Creating a ViewModel class

package com.android.developer.livedatademo.model;

import android.arch.lifecycle.MutableLiveData;
import android.arch.lifecycle.ViewModel;

 * Created by mukesh on 13/6/18.
public class UserViewModel extends ViewModel {

    // Create a LiveData with a String
    private MutableLiveData mUser;

    public MutableLiveData getUser() {
        if (mUser == null) {
            mUser = new MutableLiveData();
        return mUser;

In Activity class we creates an observer which updates the ui.
final Observer nameObserver = new Observer() {
      public void onChanged(@Nullable final User user) {
      // Update the UI, in this case, a TextView.

Next step is observe the livedata, passing in the activity as a LifecycleOwner and the Observer.
userViewModel.getUser().observe(this, nameObserver);

The complete code,

package com.android.developer.livedatademo;

import android.arch.lifecycle.Observer;
import android.arch.lifecycle.ViewModelProviders;
import android.databinding.DataBindingUtil;
import android.support.annotation.Nullable;
import android.support.v7.app.AppCompatActivity;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.View;

import com.android.developer.livedatademo.databinding.ActivityMainBinding;
import com.android.developer.livedatademo.model.User;
import com.android.developer.livedatademo.model.UserViewModel;

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements View.OnClickListener {

    UserViewModel userViewModel;
    ActivityMainBinding binding;
    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        binding = DataBindingUtil.setContentView(this, R.layout.activity_main);
        // Get the ViewModel.
        userViewModel = ViewModelProviders.of(this).get(UserViewModel.class);
        // Create the observer which updates the UI.
        final Observer nameObserver = new Observer() {
            public void onChanged(@Nullable final User user) {
                // Update the UI, in this case, a TextView.

        // Observe the LiveData, passing in this activity as the LifecycleOwner and the observer.
        userViewModel.getUser().observe(this, nameObserver);

    public void onClick(View v) {
        User user = new User();
        user.setName("Mukesh Yadav");

Download the complete code here

Hope this will helps someone.
Enjoy Coding... :)


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