. Android Download Source code | Android Sample Project ~ Android Developers Blog

Sunday 10 August 2014

Android Download Source code | Android Sample Project

Hello Friends,
  This is my small contribution , Now I am sharing the source code of all my android
  post or android tutorial at one place.

Android Tutorial Download Code
Android Custom Calendar Download Code
Android LinkedIn Integration Download Code
Android Crop Image in circular shape like gmail and facebook Download Code
Android facebook like left to right slide navigation Download Code
Android facebook and skype like animated splash screen Download Code
Google map V2 sample with draw polygon or draw geometry and save polygon Download Code
Android video Player Download Code
Android navigation drawer tutorial Download Code
Android Custom Horizontal progress bar |"N" level Horizontl Progress Bar Download Code

Mukesh Kumar

Hi Guys I am from Delhi working as Web/Mobile Application Developer(Android Developer), also have knowledge of Roboelctric and Mockito ,android test driven development... Blogging has been my passion and I think blogging is one of the powerful medium to share knowledge and ideas....


  1. How can a single database work for website, mobile apps? In android application .... Just Example:- I have a website and i launch the my new app for this website then i am use database of my running website..??



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