. Android Jetpack Compose-Android Gradle plugin requires Java 11 to run. You are currently using Java 1.8 ~ Android Developers Blog

Saturday 4 September 2021

Android Jetpack Compose-Android Gradle plugin requires Java 11 to run. You are currently using Java 1.8

 Hi All, 
            Many of us facing below issue  while running the Android Jetpack 
Compose Project.

> Failed to apply plugin 'com.android.internal.application'.
    > Android Gradle plugin requires Java 11 to run. You are currently using Java 1.8.
    You can try some of the following options:
    - changing the IDE settings.
    - changing the JAVA_HOME environment variable.
    - changing `org.gradle.java.home` in `gradle.properties`.

In order to fix this issue we need to use Java 11. You can find it in Preferences > Build, Execution, Deployment > Build Tools > Gradle > Gradle JDK.

Hope this will help some one.
Enjoy Coding.......  :)

Mukesh Kumar

Hi Guys I am from Delhi working as Web/Mobile Application Developer(Android Developer), also have knowledge of Roboelctric and Mockito ,android test driven development... Blogging has been my passion and I think blogging is one of the powerful medium to share knowledge and ideas....


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