. JetPack Compose: Basic TextView Sample in JetPack Compose ~ Android Developers Blog

Monday 3 July 2023

JetPack Compose: Basic TextView Sample in JetPack Compose

 Hi All,

     This is the very basic Text View Sample Jetpack compose.  

1. Text Color:
Change the text color using color parameter
fun ColorText() {
    Text("Text in Red Color", color = Color.Red ,  modifier = Modifier
        .padding(8.dp) // margin
        .padding(8.dp) // padding

2. Text Size: Change the text size using fontSize parameter
fun TextWithSize(label : String, size : TextUnit) {
    Text(label, fontSize = size)

//TextWithSize("Big text",40.sp) -- call this method 
3.Bold Text: Use fontWeight parameter to making the bold text
fun BoldText() {
    Text("Text in Bold", fontWeight = FontWeight.Bold,  modifier = Modifier
        .padding(8.dp) // margin
        .padding(8.dp)) // padding
4. Italic Text: Use fontStyle paramter to making the italic text
fun ItalicText() {
    Text("Italic Text", fontStyle = FontStyle.Italic,  modifier = Modifier
        .padding(8.dp) // margin
        .padding(8.dp)) // padding
5. Maximum number of lines: To limit the number of visible lines in a Text composable, set the maxLines parameter,
fun MaxLines() {
    Text("Text with Max line 2 ".repeat(50), maxLines = 2, modifier = Modifier
        .padding(8.dp) // margin
        .padding(8.dp)) // padding
6. Text Overflow: When limiting a long text, you may want to indicate a text overflow, which is only shown if the displayed text is truncated. To do so, set the textOverflow parameter
fun OverflowedText() {
    Text("Text with three dot at end, Text Overflow  ".repeat(150),
        maxLines = 3, overflow = TextOverflow.Ellipsis,
        modifier = Modifier
            .padding(8.dp)) // margin

Download code from here

Mukesh Kumar

Hi Guys I am from Delhi working as Web/Mobile Application Developer(Android Developer), also have knowledge of Roboelctric and Mockito ,android test driven development... Blogging has been my passion and I think blogging is one of the powerful medium to share knowledge and ideas....


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