. Android Developers Blog: Android dropbox sdk
Showing posts with label Android dropbox sdk. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Android dropbox sdk. Show all posts

Sunday, 17 February 2013

Android Dropbox Integration

Hello Droid Guys,

Today, I am going to provide you a full tutorial of dropbox integration into your
android application with source code. Using this you can easily :
            1. upload your image in your dropbox.
            2. upload your text file and document  into your dropbox.
            3. upload your audio and video file into  your dropbox.

Also , List or fetch all your dropbox file, folder and images by your android application.

Step 1: Create an app and get the API KEY and SECRET KEY:
          a) Open this link https://www.dropbox.com/developers and logged in with your
              dropbox credential.

dropbox sync

android dropbox sample

 b) After Logged in , the next page ask you for create an app

android dropbox sample

C) Insert the app name and description and provide the access as full dropbox by 
selecting the second option.
dropbox integration

d) Note your app key and secret key
dropbox integration

Step 2) Download the android  Sdk for dropbox form HERE

dropbox integration

Now all Done , import the project into your android eclipse and please remember to 
change secret key and App key with your own key.

Hope this will helps you.
Enjoy Coding :)


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