. Android Developers Blog: kotlin recycler view
Showing posts with label kotlin recycler view. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kotlin recycler view. Show all posts

Monday 7 October 2019

Kotlin Android - RecyclerView Example

Hello Friends,
          Today I am sharing the demo of RecyclerView in Kotlin.
A RecyclerView is essentially a ViewGroup of containers called ViewHolders which
populate a particular item.

So lets first familiar with RecyclerView and What RecyclerView requires:
1. It requires a set of data objects to work with
2. An xml file of the individual view item
3. An adapter to bind that data to the views shown in the ViewHolders
4. ViewHolder to populate the UI from the xml item file

Getting Started

Download code from here
Hope this will helps someone.
Enjoy coding.... :)


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